Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Totara Team Electives

On Friday the Totara Team started an electives programme. Electives is when some parents come in to take a group of children for activites such as cooking, paper crafts, flax weaving, computers and many more. The programme goes for three weeks. At the end of the three weeks you get to take what you have made home. In some of the activites that you can do, like cooking, you get to take home and eat what you have made every week.

In this photo a teacher is taking a paper crafts group. In paper crafts we are making papier mache piggy banks. At the moment we are doing the body with paper and glue over the top of a balloon. In the second week we will put the legs ,tail and snout on and in the last week we will paint the piggy banks with different designs.

Alexis (age 11)

Photos of the completed electives products will be posted soon!!