Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Egypt: Beyond the Tomb

On Wednesday 18th July 2007 Room 10 visited Auckland Museum to explore the Egyptian exhibition.
When we arrived at the museum we got into 11 groups and we had 45 minutes to look at all the cool stuff around the museum. While we were looking around we had questions to answer about the different areas like the reptiles and volcanoes. There was a really awesome volcano house that showed what it would be like in an eruption. Just before 12:00pm we went and had lunch and a little play before going to the main exhibition. The exhibition had a real Egyptian mummy named Keku. We even went into the learning centre at the museum and touched real ancient Egyptian artifacts. Here is a fact I learnt: if a child was good they would be given 1 small cup of wheat and they could take it to the market and trade it for a gift. We even got to pretend to do this!
When we got back to school we were really tired but we had an amazing trip!
Report by
Joshua (age 10)