Friday, November 9, 2007

Ag Day Photos 2007

BubbleShare: Share photos - Print Christmas Coloring Pages.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Good Luck for Ag Day Room 10

Have a great day on Friday and Saturday. I hope you all feel ready to have a wonderful time and that all of your hard work pays off on the day!

Miss Millward

Monday, October 8, 2007

Miss Millward's Last Day

BubbleShare: Share photos - Halloween contest

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rugby World Cup Interview

Room 10 has been participating in a variety of Rugby World Cup activities over the past week. We thought it would be a good idea to ask Joshua's dad, Ex All Black Walter Little, a few of our 'burning questions' about being an All Black and playing at a World Cup.

Interview with Walter Little

What position/s did you play?
I played 1st 5/8 number 10, and 2nd 5/8 number 12 for the All Blacks.
What was your dream job when you were young?
When I was 9 or 10 years old, my dream job was to own a trucking company to do long haulage.
How old were you when you started playing for the All Blacks?
I was 19 years old when I first played for the All Blacks.
What club were you playing for when you were chosen for the All Blacks?
I was playing for the Glenfield rugby club.
When you were young were you a natural rugby player?
I don't know about being a natural rugby player, but I did love and enjoy playing the game.
What characteristics do you have to become an All Black?
Good work ethics, train hard, play hard, the will the win, and also you must listen to your coaches.
Which World Cups did you play in?
I played in the 1991 World Cup in England, Wales and France. And also the 1995 World Cup in South Africa.
How much training did you have to do before going to the World Cup?
We trained almost every day, we had rugby camps and also we had warm up games, so we actually did a lot of training before we left for the World Cups.
What sort of food did you eat before the games?
We ate mainly pasta, egg, salads usually about 4 hours before we ran onto the field.
Did you get nervous before games and how did you deal with it?
I wasn't really nervous before games, it was really a feeling of can't wait to get on the field, more like an adrenaline rush.
Was it more challenging playing in the World Cup and why?
It was more challenging at a World Cup than a normal test match because these were really one off games, if you lost in the quarter finals you were going home.
What was your most memorable World Cup game and why?
My most memorable game in a World Cup would be the final in South Africa. Although we didn't win it was a great occasion, 80-90 thousand spectators in the stands was spine chilling.
Who was your hardest opponent and why?
My hardest opponent in world rugby would be Tim Horan from Australia. He was a very talented rugby player whom I had to really focus on to be able to combat his play.
What sort of things do you learn from being a rugby player?
Things you learn from being a rugby player are discipline, team comradeship, learn about different people, different cultures, you also learn how to work as a team.
If you could do your rugby career all over again would you change anything?
No I wouldn't change anything. I've enjoyed the time I had and I have great memories and have also made some life long friends.
Room 10 would like to thank Mr Little for taking the time to answer our questions.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Miss Millward's Surprise Party!

Surprise! Miss Millward walked down the decorated aisle as her thrown awaited (well at least her computer chair). She slowly drifted towards her desk as two students threw beautiful rose petals behind her. All of Room 10 were excited to give their gifts and cards to her as she sat down.

Obviously Miss Millward didn't feel like the teacher yesterday because it was her birthday and all week the children of Room 10 had been planning her special surprise party. The Room 10 kids had organised all of the staff of Coatesville school to come at lunch time to have a snack and a piece of delicious chocolate cake that one of the students had taken their time to make.

Finally, lunchtime came! It was the moment we have all been waiting for- SHARED LUNCH! The students all stood around the beautiful decorated table as Miss Millward took a class picture. We all licked our lips and looked down at the scrumptious food like, chocolate chip muffins, homemade fudge, popcorn, biscuits and much much more. We turned off the lights and sang "Happy Birthday" as Miss Millward blew out the candles and cut the cake.

This exciting day came to end after we had all guessed Miss Millward's age.....

Alanna & Ella (10 years)

Book Fortnight

Book fortnight is when Coatesville School does a fortnight (2 weeks) of exciting and fun activities to do with books and reading. Book fortnights main title for this year is ROCKET INTO READING!!!!!!!!

Room 10's main book fortnight activity is making an A3 laminated book that will be called "A to Z of Coatesville Library", an alphabet book of authors and books that will go in the school library. This book is filled with the whole alphabet of books and authors that Room 10 chose from the library. We have also all chosen a novel from the library that we have never read before. After we chose our novels we sat down to take a quiet time to read our books and create bookmarks for them.

Keep up the good work Room 10!!
Reading Rocks!

Jamie & Alyshia (10 years)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007